Friday, June 5, 2009

Ways I Feel Love

My dad asks me routinely how my cars working. Whenever I go somewhere he worries I don't have enough money and it takes heavy persuasion to reassure him I'll be fine.

My mom is so patient with me. She makes herself available and ready to help with absolutely anything and everything. Especially when I get lost driving more than I'd like to admit, she always becomes a loving Gardin.

My brothers voluntarily help me with my technological issues, even if it means a big time commitment.

My sister likes to dream with me and supports me in them.

I feel love in excited hellos or when people ask, listen, and then remember later to ask how that thing is going. And when people share their food with me. :)

I heard a guy say the other day that he considered being appreciative one of the purposes in life. I want to slow down and appreciate these things.

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