Sunday, May 31, 2009


Random fact about me is that I love linear things, and I've been realizing it more and more. I doodle geometrically, and I love linear hair cuts, designs and architecture. Last Christmas I went shopping for a new womanly bedspread (envisioning flowers, dainty curls, girliness) and after much contemplation I came home with a brown and white one with solid lines and I love it. Most of all I love boxy cars, especially Jeeps- Wrangler, Patriot, or Cherokee, my head turns every single time with a twinge of envy.

What does that say about me? Maybe I'm more of a linear thinker than I realize... I don't like too much fluff, I like things simple maybe?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe it just means you should have been a math me.
