Friday, May 20, 2011

What "Love is" in Teacher World

I've been reflecting on how teaching is 120% relational and thinking about what 1 Cor. 13 practically means in teacher world. Going to have this right by my desk so I can be reminded!

Love is…
1 Cor. 13

I don’t know the struggles others are up against.
Take time to learn before you assume.

Take every opportunity to be kind to others.
People are more important than tasks.

Celebrate other’s accomplishments with them,
sometimes we all need outside perspectives.

Don’t brag, no one else really cares.
I didn’t accomplish anything by myself.

Redeem rough situations with kind words.
Communicate how valuable people are.

Team Oriented
Always think about how the work I’m doing
can benefit my whole team and not just myself.

Take and deep breathe.
Don’t take everything personally.

I’m not perfect either!
Normally people give the best they have to offer.

Of other’s reputations when they vent.
Unity builds, division destroys.

That administrative choices are made
with everyone’s best interest in mind.

That the work I am doing is making
a positive impact in student’s lives.

Get back up and try again!

"Ms. Duggan"

Another new life transition along with a rainy day inevitably results in reflecting in the blogosphere... and ohh how I've missed it!

Life as "Ms. Duggan" has officially begun, as thankfully, I am going to finally be a teacher this fall! This life goal started when I was 9, playing school with my little cousin and never following through with my promise that she could have her turn being the teacher, she just didn't understand the passion I already had for the profession! ;) I wonder how many people in my position, who like me, already have a stocked "teacher closet" they've excitedly been adding to for years from clearance bins and garage sales for that day when I would finally have my own classroom. It takes a certain kind of person to get excited about post-it notes, books and construction paper, but I am definitely one of them.

This last month and the few ahead have been and will be a wonderful new teacher honeymoon stage. I am aware of it's time limit, but have decided to enjoy it while it's here!! I've had my first interview, first job offer, first class list, first teacher meetings and will be spending the summer loving putting my first classroom together! You can expect that I'll be taking a picture posed by my door as soon as my name is on it!

I am aware I was born with rose colored glasses, and because of them I grew up soaking in every Lifetime movie about teachers that made a dramatic difference in poor, urban schools. (All in under 2 hours!) Thankfully, a little maturity and life experience has set in, I've put my cape back in my closet, and have become much more aware of the struggles my students and I are up against and how much I have to learn. It's going to require an amount of strength that I'll have to stretch for everyday. I imagine this next year is going to be one for the books (and hopefully the blog!).