This is my new home in the 'Boy's Village' of Kingswood College. It's a gated area right next to the school with three houses, mine being the one back to the left in this pic-->
My house is called 'Rob House' and it has three bedrooms for the boys, a room for the Head Matron (older lady who's in charge) a room for me, a little kitchen and a living room area. This last
weekend I had my first time on 'duty' where you get to hang out with the boys, plan activities for them (like going to the pool/computer lab/sports fields ect.), take them to their meals, make sure they shower, are in bed on time and then we wake them up in the morning. Our house has 11, 5th-7th grade boys who are all very ornery. They love to rough house, and they surprisingly learned I could hold my own! "Ms. Duggan's stronger than she looks!" "Ms. Duggan's fast'a than a cheetah!" My weekend with them was so much fun, we played games together on my lab top, I taught them how to play the card game Spoons, we went to the pool and they taught me how to play Cricket. Spoons was funny because I couldn't find any spoons so I used my mascara tubes just to watch them squirm. They were impressed with my Cricket playing- even though I didn't really understand what I was doing, I supposedly made some outs and scored some runs!
The overload of testosterone had a funny effect on me- one moment I was beating them all at arm wrestling, and the next moment I had to paint my nails to balance out.

There are several college students that work at Kingswood as 'Stooges' (they have the responsibilities that I mentioned before) and it makes life at Kingswood so enjoyable. They have all become such good friends- so fun, incredibly friendly and willing to invite me along to things. Here's a peak at our Cricket game, it was Stooges against the kids-- didn't catch the exciting plays, but you can hear a little bit of their accents and see a little of what I see...